Higgs Boson DisDinlerd

As it turns out, the higgs boson is quite the interactive particle. It’s theorized to manipulate the higgs field to grant mass to other particles. At first glance, this might not seem out of the norm when talking about the enormous and minute scales of quantum mechanics and physics. Until you do a take back and realize, the higgs boson gives mass to everything! Being dubbed the God particle, it’s no surprise that we were going to have a field day with this small particle alone. However, I do have some marks to add to that given name. First of all, if it is the God particle, then we can most definitely say that it breaks the second law of thermodynamics. By granting mass to particles that are barely coming into existence, the higgs field is creating new energy, and therefore does not abide by our current knowledge of physics.

I’m not here to talk about some omniscient omnipotent being that seemingly breaks every rule and is aware of all, even the things he’d be more inconvenienced not to know. So, if the higgs field is not breaking thermodynamics and a plethora of accompanied physics laws, then what is it truly doing? For a field that interacts with energy at the quantum level, like the higgs boson, I think a better question should be, what process does it not interact with?

First and foremost, it definitely interacts with the strong force, as a guiding mechanism to where the mass is going to be phased in. The protons and neutrons could also act as the guiding mechanism, but they still have to interact with the higgs to gain their mass. Second, by also giving mass to electrons, the Higgs is actively involved in the electromagnetic spectrum by means of adding to its overall energy total. Third, and this is the weakest of the three theories I have - however I believe that it may also interact with the weak force whereby erroneously made particles are ejected as radiation for a lack of better solution. 

Now that’s all good and said, it seems like the higgs boson has its hands in a lot of places. If you’re anything like me though, you keep asking yourself, where does this mass all come from? Where does the Higgs seemingly switch the mass from one particle to another or does it have some extra blank storage cheekily labeled- MASS (DO NOT REUSE). I just wrote an article on dark matter, there I kinda teased what I am going to write about here.

I theorize that The Higgs Boson derives its mass from dark matter to satiate our insatiable mass needs. Dark matter serves as a sort of building block for regular matter. In its simplest form, it's the matter that we see in our everyday lives but without any particular configuration. It takes interactions like the Higgs field, other scalar bosons, and even our own consciousness, to derive its true form. Furthermore, because dark matter does not have any conceivable form, it also cannot be detected regularly. I have some further theories in that regard, and I want to bring more of this content to you all, please let me know what you think in the comments down below.


Hello folks, writer here for the universe quantumgoop.com


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