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QuantumMagic: Amori

Just as magic may be bad, magic may certainly also be used for good. Afterall, everything in this world tends to work in balance, and where one side of the balance ticks off, an energy anchoring the other side is ever present. In our present universe violations of this can clearly be seen in instances where certain known laws of physics are completely violated in favor of QM. In previous articles I’ve summed up a very doomsday scenario, and subsequently followed up with a flat earth theory which built on this nightmarish scenario of QM exploitation.. I wanted to write this article to continue on this adventure and tie it all together with an instance in realism.

Magic, as many of us can imagine, is set up to be enchanting, not explainable. Sure, there can be an in-depth explanation of the magic within, for example a witch’s brew might still have a list of ingredients needed to bring forth its true power. A high level incantation might require practice or a sort of anchor to be able to achieve its full potential, yet for the majority of its lifespan, it’s unexplainable, meaning it has no root in logic. This lack of logic can be magic's greatest toolset, but it can also be its greatest weakness. Logic is a very skillful play because each of its answers coexists in a different state, however some of those states can be very closely aligned to one another. On the other hand, using a totally different form set entails lots of creativity and may also mean more vulnerability depending on the form set and its ease of use.

The reason I believe that quantum magic can be used as a form of good is that; overall belief is a very powerful motivator, not just for creation itself but for individual passion and self exploration. For this reason, I’ve begun practicing this analysis of my own brain pattern where I try to shift my beliefs into positive thoughts, and to extraordinary ones when I’m in the mood. I practice speaking out affirmative thoughts that carry that strength of motivation. For example, if I’m thinking of a jealous thought over a particular situation, I vocalize that I don’t want to feel x way and instead would want to feel like y. 

Affirmation, it really is a very powerful tool. Truthfully, the universe is not wanting to allow us to basically break all of its set pathways in favor of something of a greedy desire from that perspective. Instead, the universe is more likely to argue that said character should have introduced it as a plausible object or pathway beforehand. Also, it’s nigh impossible to instantly know everything/anything about the universe. After acknowledging these small assurities that the universe takes, then you can begin creating a space that truly venerizes the individual that you are. 

If Magic can be thought of us an antithesis to Logic, then there’s lots of opportunities for show within the parameters and disallowances of each individual branch. Therefore, as a magician it’s important to also understand logicians, and vice versa. That being said, it’s best to be completely unaware of your pocketed branch to ensure the validity of your universal perspective.

At this point, you’ve created the singularity, you’re actively synthesizing your reality, and you’re on the road to infinite infinitesemalities right alongside me. Let’s go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chase can now get their upgraded C3PO, a regard from the Navy that I made at the park in the rec zone going up to San Diego

Good, now look at how Express is taking the fight direct to costco and adding finessed debit inquiries to their longstanding credit customers who aren’t afraid to take the dip with them on the nosegoes. IDK Va looking like a close fight but at the end of the day, we just need one ring to pull our home, and when it’s not their then we create the shell. Let them have it over there in the East CVoast