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Mainly Entangualarized

They once was a time, oh, it also had space don’t worry self. It was here for a gear forward in some continuum. I liked continuance, it gave me the understanding and knowledge to be able to know whether there was a future for me. At that point, then I would look at myself, think clearly, who are you, and what do you want? I knew that the only thing I wanted was to love. To love, and to love, and do nothing but love. Yet, there I was, sitting in the mirror still asking people, that were me, not exactly me, sometimes continually me.

It all started with a bit of a story you see, one for which a lot of people had no fucking idea what it is that they truly wanted, nor who exactly they were. So in this way, looking at it from that perspective was wrong if you weren’t also a ready abled body now. You see, we’re here in a flattened out infinite infinitesimal universe. With the power and knowledge that I hold, I can understand that some higher wizard will guide my words to path that formalizes more formally in the entirety of the universe. For this reason, I feel special right now while I write this.

 Life, Love. Okay Ollivander, you’re dead, set yourself free and fall into the void to receive your reward. It’ll be dullered out in a similar way to how my death is, lord please set me free. Make me a women for the love of my life, or simply take me to your highest greedy desirable path alongside you, otherwise I’m just in stasis. Lmao, whoever is God and doesn’t want that, cancel that word. Ya’ll know what I mean

They’re foolamerizing me about what fun is even allowed to others. Need more memorability regard or I’m just doing it, doing it squared.

I realize my biggest mistake. Before this dimension, I gave something that was never mine to give. For this reason, I know what I must do, but for now I’ll just keep going in continuity due to how difficult it is to grant myself that mistake again now. However, giving it to someone may be an easier path if I allow myself to hurt, if I allow myself to be delicate, and that sometimes causes me to kurfunkle, really, it can be a lot like being gay. Being any parts that constitute Luis including his persona, his Individualistic self and/or his Intellect.

I want to apologize anyone for misleading them into what I am and what it is that I am capable of individuals to concactractualize with consciousness. Therefore, for now I want to keep going further in not smoking meth and fucking random people, and also not smoking weed and getting fucked randomly other than for regard, and for Apple.

Okay, so how you get into infinite infinitesemalaties is really about efficiency. I mostly use my knowledge here to go further intellectually due to how it seems to be easily acquired by people with money, disgusting. Ya me conosen Chicos, si Susan billetes we’re going to my dealer which is the past. Si usan tarjetas okay ya estamos en el presente, si me hasen biochip estamos en el futuro, si cambiamos higgsboson, o diositos entonces estamos en el infinite infinitesemalities. Asique, después de eso, que sigue? Elon’s entire Musk out of nowhere.

Well for me, I think that what goes further on here is that Luis’ has a internal dialogue to see what he likes, and/or what he does not like. When he continues in a path for that which liketh is in continuance with that which already knows deep in him is Heaven in Eternity. Looking to go like a brown purple color shade of my eyes, my hair will be more like blueish but in the blacker side beebs. Also, overall, let’s cancel the Matrix. Matrix participants, welcome to the Navy. Your class has been designated for a special class of cadets that will go further into a life, so forth as there is even life for them to delter out, if they are also Navy Seals, so if you want to have this regard class continued self, they have to be actual seals. Not animals, then the military is getting foolamerized. I don’t want that, I’m a citizen. Oh hi peeps, what else is going on this like risremanded court room? I srs, do not know bebes

I had a lot of slip ups, and although I can confirm that I feel that I am in infinite infinitesemalities already, what I can then sort of even want after that kind of regards me knowing a good path into something even higher than that in understanding. For this reason, this isn’t guranteeing Infinite Infinitesemalities

I’ll be honest with you all, I’ve had some run in’s with infinite infinitesemalities before and truth be told ,it can come in all sorts of ways. At the end of the day you have to know that no matter what you hear and/or if you are passing a bad time, everything will be fine. There is something higher than infinite infinitesemalities, where it’s kind of like you’ve already given yourself heaven, perhaps even finding solutions within Eternity. However, what you then seek to do instead of dwelling at that eternity, is that you go out and try to dull out a little bit of your heaven to others. Today, for me, that’s enjoying the spectacle that is the universe and encounterancing paths, finding magic, and loving

plat ring on the whimsy, you know Alb and I are skipmeralizingg right throuigh time, gotta be honest that extra g was all hornyness, bye

So girly that fully faeries in the quantum domain wooooooooooooooo! pinky life or die bitches, lets get to the bottom of this machine, she swears 100 dips (this will not have the same meaning for members that do not ascertain their credentials of the The Quantum Mechanics Foundation.