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Thoughtfulness to Timelessness

Yep, we’re off to another adventure as large as the universe itself. A subject I do not fully understand, yet feel comfortable enough to have dialogue about which is anchored to one I have deep liking and interest for. Similar to our previous article - from logicality to physicality, thoughfulness and timelessness together pair to complete a completely new ondulo of happenings. It’s important to use a likening of patterns when creating a codex so as entangle their surmisation and complete a triangularization once the duality of their knowledge is brought forth. The triangularity is built off of our love towards their capture and adjoint crossover, so definitely something to see, for example with Living Dualy and Chicletain within my univers.

I’m being very careful as to how I write about & approach timelessness. A heavy subject with many descriptions and perspectivals, some encountered in realism, for example - science based timelessness, and others which encountranse themselves entirely at a magical or imaginary level. Let’s begin with a simple one - if we know something timeless to be an artists or a movie or book that lasts as pertinent throughout the ages, then adding ness allows us to assign the notion to a particular event or a particular person, so I guess this is why I felt like the word was missing from the dictionary. If that description doesn’t make sense - try to think instead of a potion that could then make someone or something timeless. I’d bet Snape is a great teacher for some of these missing leshies.

Now lets seperate from the original definition of timeless and instead think about its “hard” definition. Time - the passing of a framework of thoughtful frames (stay with me), and the word, Less - to be without or to have a lesser amount. I’ve imagined it as an experience perhaps where I do not age, or think about time at all, maybe both - in there could potentially lie their duality. Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. So if I want to be immortal, perhaps I would remained “timeless” at the sweet age of 27, alas im 28. So where does this position the word timelessness now. Well, when we’re speaking in these terms, ness becomes more like the “essence of.” Therefore, we could say its the essence of remaining immortal since that was or proes. We could also describe it as the ability to remain timeless. Now, I want to caution the reader in two ways : 1) don’t get stuck on the impossibility of the word we’ve described, and let the frustration go also 2) don’t also get stuck on my specific definition of it all. The word can take on a more grand or profound meaning for you if so you’d like. Here, our goal is to expand the possible and we’ll read shortly that truly - we’re what makes the impossible then the possible.

Now we’ve read plenty about timelessness due to it being a hot topic, and no doubt I will come up with more articles discussing it apart from this one, but now lets take a closer look at thoughtfulness. In diving into thought, I want to encourage the reader to never be emberassed with their thought. No matter how silly & funny & magical your thoughts out, fully express them and dwell in them, I try to do it extra when I get emberassed at one of my own. No le teman a sus pensamientos chiquitillines!

Okay, so thoughtfulness, the reason I’ve paired it with timelessness is because, I believe it holds the clues we need to unlock the 3rd definition I’ve postulated which is of the immortal kind. Now, before we get into a dark corrider of vampirism and sci-fi only type approaches like in Altered Carbon, lets remember our knowledge of Jesus Christ and his immortality, clearing us of sin.

You seem in fear - death can dwell and make desperation grow within the human heart, I suppose this could be in a heightened amount when older. So its important to be thoughtful as to his and the Fathers love for us. Those who are at greater fear of death may want to read the scripture and attend mass regularly so they can learn about Jesus’ story, promise, and be helped in comfort of a restful thought.

So, just to be clear it’s not like my aim was originally to head into immortality, but when one is going through struggles in their life - well you think a lot about death, and that’s why I’ve encountered a lot of these different notional paradigms within my own brain, seeking for ways, seeking for imaginary cures (and not silly), seeking for timelessness, and I kind of just arrived at the point where I think these two things have to collide at a larger scale so that we can better understand the future.

Now, I want to take thoughtfulness as in the act of thinking carefully another step furhter and bring in a sci-fi proes that you can endevour in to help my approach that embodies our contemporary issues, and as much I hate to say it - our upcoming struggles:

Mother Earth Fulmization

Block Chain of Brains

Immortality Possible Due to Black holes

Memory Becoming Jesus

Challenge From God

Just like these mountains, they too shall pass