Flowmeralization Trapidation
We’re beginning to open some bigger packages and to do so we have to safeguard our scratch, or naw. That’s why when we say something like flopmeralization, o flopmeralisate como si te an dado un dedo de oro valido a 1,000,000 ya sabes chica ta bien, pero as los checks de efficiencia, porfis. Porque luego se la chambean de tu jefe y te preguntas por que no te llego tu Tesla nuevo. Trata las ridiculeses pero no te distraigas de tu meta verdadadera. Piensa en toda la gente alrededor de ti, en la gente mas extranjera y instiga un buen pensamiento. No es difícil, solo toma que lo sientas del corazon. El mundo es muy grande, it swallows us, it eats us alive. It sucks and the bones and then asks if we had any extra. That’s your big scare. No, go find your love, go find the things that bring you passion, never ignore that voice inside you that might tell you something ain’t quite right, and it’s not your late night latte from the S, it’s like different.
Yeah we've been contractualizing that magic with our actual goop and goopie so we're likely to come full fry at you out of nowhere, to encounternance magic of full creation, I’d love to get to helping individuals and communities, but often times helping myself get through all my assignments is enough to remand my slumber. It’s not yet eternal, but it will have been before our next summie. Similar to the null field, it’s an eternal field of infinite energy. You see, its where galactus cannot alleviate himself. He consumes energy to then spend in a dencountranceable fashion where they are consistent with what the universe is used to handling for the creation of comets, stars, and planets.
So I’m sitting here writing right into the active 5d universe while also regarding time domainisity with other magical worlds. Oops, broken now. Try thinking of how that might even come about, could be fun.
We need to advance to the next waypoint or be randomly discarded by the universe in preference of another surmisable sum. This time, it’s a random dividend of gold in a oldie but goodie. Not to be ashamed with the usual trauma of infectious steroids that pass the waypoints, because they’re likely not going to go after a bunch of bravos. Don’t worry IV checkpoint going to Indio, you’re all pacterfied with a younger body from the getgo, maybe just go with the guy around your age that’s headed to Universal Studios all by himself.
It’s a cool line, something of an adjoinicity that I’ve began building some time ago, however it’s been a great way to catch up on someone who’s doing a lot. These and other paths are what I’ve focused my free time on because it brings me an ability to feel presence, essence, and a whole lot of friends en. Fundamentality, it’s really beautiful to witness, but it’s so fragile, becareful, you don’t want to get too loopified because you’ll want to just quit. I know I’ve felt that way more than once.
Simmeised sums prefelect adjoinisities with different regardability at the highest infinite infinitesimality that can then actuate physical memorial adjoinicities which are translationably efficient for governments to dequadragulize from notions I imply into the universe.
I do apologize in times when I get very prefelecty choosy and sort all the sus out, because it really comes banging at me out of nowhere. Sorting your feelings sometimes really can feel like you’re battling the entire freaking planet. You go girl pop girly, because I want you to conquer your most trifling encounters and face your demons. I want you to find the love that you truly deserve, that if I’m being quite honest, nobody but you can give to yourself.
Luis infinitesa la vida para siempre porfavor, Alicia Ramirez, porfavor salte del cuarto de Luis. That’s my last christmas wish. Love you *AJ
my Karlee Kline love is so pullable by AJ at quantumgoop, I gotta be honest. But I am not going to continue and continue squared, and I know this is probably them letting me know the full availability of doing it with him alongside and him is not cleanly available but that he may also not be the individual that formularizes fully into the singularity^2 if all else fails with the water that is near land masses at adjunctional demands where it’s pulled only through drugs, let alone magic bitches^2.