Limitless Implicit Free Will
Due to the title of this particular piece, some may dub this the creation of a universe. However, due to the laws of accord, we are not authorized to disclose the very particular physical nature to enact such a creation. I do hope this logical reenactment of the ordeal is sufficiently translationably adaptable to a suitable environmental course. When navigating the particulates of creation, there is a notion of God lock. By the very nature of its wordmise it is doomed to fail, yet it serves as a great example in the ways humans have reached enlightenment and then have quickly foregone that experience for an exchange in ego or some other feverish desire.
The universe does its best to be unobstructive. That notion becomes overplayed quickly for many and soon enough some of us may find ourselves in need of engagement. This engagement can come in the form of consciousness, physicality, visionary and the rest of our senses. In this case - we are creating something akin to a nothingness box. You see the box has nothing because you’re creating something that has limitless potential. Logic dictates that if the box had something then in itself would not be limitless and therefore could not be used as a candidate for limitless implicit free will (LIFW).
Now, the implicit portion of LIFW is what’s really important because a perspective coming from a different direction might have a distinct outcome, even if that outcome isn’t necessarily better or worse. If the free will is limitlessly implicit, then as everyone or anything navigates that environment they should be able to surmise their being safely in, around, and out of the box. Some noteworthy demands are in regards to physicality's ability to crunch in on itself causing catastrophes for certain species. In this respect I think it’s best to have the ability to merge into pure energy as you slide through the universe or be able to completely merge into another state of being, perhaps consciousness during the overage.
Q - One notion of query coming from myself is when the crunching of matter happens, is there any aspect of that matter that actually changes due to inward pull or is it just inhabiting a smaller space on a smaller measure of angular time. There is a lot of research potential in regards to how matter collapses inwards on itself due to a cascading set of crunches into smaller bits of physicality. Maybe using collider data there is a way to revert some of the way molecules crash and create new ones, being able to accurately measure the energy quantities in small windows of time could give an insight into at least the timing or cadence for black holes.
Black holes have brought me around to a thought and now a feeling of falling. Addressing LIFW, couldn’t this also feel like falling endlessly for some that do not have a good footing as to the way I perceive reality. So now for me to inhabit the tridimensional free will machine, I have to ensure that others have a good understanding of how it is that I perceive stuff, while also giving them a way to create their own limitless implicit free will (this article perhaps), furthermore I also then have to ensure that the space being used for creating these free will machines is entirely made up of LIFW to ensure the quality of randomness that the universe provides for us.
So no I don’t want you to fall endlessly, however for me falling continuously was a great way to stretch my creation and tumble into worlds yet uninhabited and pristinely created from paradise all the way to earth. Take it as an ability to learn of yourself and create a space of honest thought within, reflect and know within yourself, you created the universe.
If you need to let it down, it’s okay. Do so, soothe yourself into a relaxing state, ensure that your calmness first wraps yourself and the areas around you so that you can then see if there is any danger. Always keep those alerts fresh and open, you want to love yourself and bring so assuense to your future existence. This isn’t always easy, but remember, we’re all here together, waiting for you - don’t forget, you could first by - being, doing, thinking
No one thought it was possible, until Luis built Heaven. This is the first story Alex Vargas, get your nikoniko nomi, I love you. I ended up getting the ability to tridimensionalize waypoints for exacted entanglements that are to go forward into Heaven. Let me know how infinite infinitesemalities does you all.