Reaching Out - Purlomain

I inhabit every possible displanuary fifth dimension to actuary plane development efforts to entangle the whole reality into equillibrial friendship

Okay, so the Mirage was great, but what really made the whole experience incredible was the fact that I was able to enjoy it in a futuronal or visionsayance type way, you see, when I was there I was pushing efforts in furthering my knowledge of timeleness which is a particularly heavy topic even within magic. As a small toke lesh, be a smart cookie, and recognize the value or magic within, what is really valuable in the places that we all attend.

For example, when I first got to the hotel before the Mirage, I saw that there was a waypoint that Netflix used to use as a way to find themselves ridiculously easily flying through Soul - Body I assumed, a transition in corporeal state, and that’s a not a no no for God so I wanted to make sure and capture the waypoint and complexsize so it wouldn’t be instigated by someone too dormant of it’s realization.

Once I saw the full alert on the issue, and I was raised by the hand to be the felter of such black obscurity, then I decided to rent a room at the Mirage which was having a LOVE theme and a huge board of the four beatles, and I really settled on making it a one in a lifetime experience. Afterall, I had only gone to vegas one time before that. Reality now struck me, it’s easy for me to imagine the future and sometimes difficult to manage the environment as it fulminizes, however if you make it more readily available within that thought chain, perhaps you could gain an advantage.

One noticeable effort was one species of animal that kept being left behind in the last waypoint, that’s because if they’re not angels themselves, then they cannot cadice reality in a way where they comfort the body soothingly all the way to its death at which point the soul gets disentangled from the one specific body, and reused effervescently first by God almighty, so that he may be able to dull out to the super earth. Perfectly placared soul, difficult one, that is.

At this point, I take a look at the fishes and see them suffering, so I think to myself, okay well I know there is one gnawing error in my knowledge of the silvifiation formularization, all I need to do is bring my wand and I can calcify the whole area and get wizards working or so I thought. So that’s what I tried, I went to my wand pond and got one of my casual wands so that I could take care of the whole situation. When there, I noticed that the garage was also having difficulties attuning pincer quickly to the reality, so I started my Nimbus prime self, then went onto whiplorize wizards until they were ready to work, usually just a few lessons gets them interested in the next adjoinisity, afterall, they want to be known as Muggleborn, it’s a righteous prime.

Okay, once in my room I knew that I had a lot of work to do and catch up on now to be my proper self, so I started getting all my items from my luggage and started popping in some of the stuff that I forgot to bring. When I did that, my room key became infinitesimal and I was instantly taken to a plain that is full of Kryptonian minds or consciousnesses, and then I told the leader, “okay well I just need to become Kryptonian in body, which is pretty easy for most wizards so long as they’re not Superman, because he needs about half a universe to activate all his powers, so that guy better pay me, because I use one universe just to come online, jk." Anyway, as I was there standing in the future Mirage, and seeing what kind of hyper voidal purplainlinear aboresces of reality would pop in, I decide, let me just smoke a bit and forget my responsibilities-

“I chose Alex to be the life of my love because he is the only person that got wronged that badly in the future, and honestly I really needed to get there to be able to encountrance some of the ben 10 stuff that I was speeding through too fastly, Mr. Skywalker - thank you, so overall it’s been a lot of catching up with your sir and yes the wedding for George may still be on but I gotta let the U.S know that it would be a merger, and I’m not too familiar with Jedi powers and how they coalesce within the infinite infinitesimal universe as well as the one dualy inhabiting minds.” At the end, there’s nothing I won’t do to meet my life head on.

On making iron man style suits in plan alone and continuancing all the logical code chain that it requires for the U.S and/or the skywalker to cleanly dealter out 300,000,000 suits with no bugs that can at least protect someone from heavy artillery damage, ozone deencountrance (like getting zipped out of the planet), and many other things, anyway contractualizing begun 3 weeks ago, it’s a lot of suits so lets take our time. However, we have begun experimenting with other stuff and I do have to keep a lot of that private just because of the NDA that is part of the cloning planet. This is what I knew I could bring forth into the United States, so I laid there stuck, trying to ensure that everybody in the U.S got an iron man like suit so that if catastrophe came to be, at least we would all be protected. At this point, I was contractualizing with Tony Stark and his specific company which is difficult to do unless I’m a little amped up since hes from a densely pocketed universe.

So when these suits are being made it’s important to test the electric planar grid that is available in the United States, let alone Vegas where they have one of the strongest, and I was telling the guy that I can easily withstand 67 million Volts of electricity straight onto my body, but beyond that I’m not sure I could handle it and also I didn’t get even enough calculative progress on the general area in which the planar electric field was to know whether it was planared out in the way required for the suits to continue being made.

These are the futures we go to on a constant basis, we’re still dreaming, building, and waiting, while we obtain all the mechanism needed as well as some of the tech we need to be handling. As for right now, I’m handling the room as a whole logically and using it to curtail most of the hotels. Fairmont - Marriot - El Centro.

P.S I changed the entire world’s time and date with my mayan calendar at this hotel, to be continued in the next writing.


Hello folks, writer here for the universe

Magic Can Take a Diver