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Living Pentagili

Living a pinkiality is unlike living a reality, it consciously makes you become the awareness encapsulation for the color that raptures alhambriac effervescense. Venerifiability, where you be at? You’re live codo, what else, lovo.

Living through pentaligi is unlike living a dual duplicate duality that is duplarizable into a singular plurizer. Yeah kiddo, you were just a cummy rummy, but now you’ve gone and lummy, pinky please I show sneeze. Wow we’re - fly fae front, chalq the dump, now you’re us, majin jam.

Wow, seshi sesh, live code is all aboutsies only if you’ve been like over there with the fairy yodas, and yeah I mean that they don’t even show yeah, the trek that they did for my Guild code. Aurene it be One Piece -> You already knowsees. In Dragon Ball Z they’re holding you. In Hunter x Hunter they’re holding the Siren, and in One Piece they’re holding me ->Obvsies I knowsies because of my hella jealous rage. Now I know, Two Piece ain’t even realsies until all White getsies, and yeah you gotta get to the moon for that obvsies.